This coming Sunday (and on December 1st), HAIMUSIQUE will air a special
broadcast on Haiti's HIV/AIDS incidence and prevalence (infection) rate
during the past 20 years. This edition will focus on the stuggles and
perspectives statistically related to a significant reduction of the
the incidence rate of HIV infection in both rural and urban areas in
Be on stand by at 2 PM (ET) this Sunday by clicking on www.aux- or
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
About the collapse of La Promesse Evangelique (my ass!)
This is one of the saddest news that I have heard about Haiti for a long time. I am extending my deep condolences to the parents of those kids who horrifically lost their lives because of our selfishness and greediness. Early this year, I responded to a message on haitianpolitics regarding double citizenship and leadership in Haiti and I was severely criticized for saying that we have a lack of leadership in Haiti....
We need a leader that can restore (or develop) government's authority and responsibility towards the nation. I have read so many home-published articles about improvised constructions on the hills of Port-au-Prince and Le Nouvelliste event talked about the physical (geological and ecological) inability of certain newly constructed areas to holding the increase of the biomass they are bearing, but the government (the president's cabinet and the Parliament) has never taken any comprehensive and straightforward measures to STOP those f.... constructions from increasing on the hills and dismantled the hazardous ones.
Although the circumstances surrounding that fatal accident seem to be engineering-related, but let this be the "turning point" .........
For more information about HAIMUSIQUE, click on and visit our Internet regional socio-economic project
Macceau Medozile
We need a leader that can restore (or develop) government's authority and responsibility towards the nation. I have read so many home-published articles about improvised constructions on the hills of Port-au-Prince and Le Nouvelliste event talked about the physical (geological and ecological) inability of certain newly constructed areas to holding the increase of the biomass they are bearing, but the government (the president's cabinet and the Parliament) has never taken any comprehensive and straightforward measures to STOP those f.... constructions from increasing on the hills and dismantled the hazardous ones.
Although the circumstances surrounding that fatal accident seem to be engineering-related, but let this be the "turning point" .........
For more information about HAIMUSIQUE, click on and visit our Internet regional socio-economic project
Macceau Medozile
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Jean Jacques Herne [La Petite Histoire de la Ville des Cayes]
“Allez mes amis, tirez maintenant...”
Jean Jacques Herne _ dit Coco Herne _ était aussi connu sous le nom
de Moreau Herne. Fils de Jean Baptiste Herne et de Margueritte
Lafond, il naquit sur l’habitation Moreau du Département du Sud vers
l’année 1775. Cette habitation avoisine celles de Coustard et de la
Première Douceur, et se situe à quelques lieues de Lévy (Camp-
Il était un homme de couleur qui n’avait pour qualités que sa
bravoure et ses ambitions et s’enrégimentait dans l’armée de Rigaud.
A la chute de celui-ci _ ayant perdu la guerre du Sud _ il se
ralliait à Toussaint Louverture et devenait commandant du 1er
bataillon de la 13ème demi-brigade du Sud. Au retour de Geffrard dans
ce départment, il le plaçait sous son autorité. Ainsi, au cours d’une
des batailles qui opposait Férou et les français pour les chasser de
la ville des Cayes, Férou, en grande difficulté, était secondé par
Moreau qui arrivait à sa rescousse avec 200 hommes envoyés par
Geffrard _ c’est à cette même époque que Moreau battait les Polonais
qui gardaient l’entrée de la ville des Cayes alors qu’il commandait
une colonne de l’armée de Geffrard. Aussi, cette meme colonne,
assistée par Durocher, a été confiée la mission de vaincre une troupe
de l’armée française alors qu’elle laissait Jérémie et traversait
Morne Plymouth pour pénétrer dans la plaine des Cayes .
Moreau participait à la grande convocation du 6 juillet 1803 au Camp
Gérard, au cours de laquelle Dessalines était reconnu par le Sud
comme Général en Chef de l’Armée des Indigènes. Dessalines le faisait
Général de Brigade; c’était à ce grade qu’il a signé l’acte de
l’indépendance d’Haiti.
Il avait vite acquis la confiance de l’Empereur après avoir massacré
les français aux Cayes, contrairement à son chef hiérarchique,
Geffrard, qui ne partageait pas cette option. Nommé commandant de
l’arrondissement des Cayes par Dessalines _ avec pour mission
d’espionner Geffrard qu’il remplaçait à sa mort en devenant
commandant de la 1ère division du Sud _ Il n’était pas chéri par la
population qui adorait Geffrard. A la fin de Septembre 1806, la
rumeur du complot contre Dessalines battait son plein. Le Général
Moreau jouait la carte de l’apaisement. Il offrait le 2 Octobre 1806
un banquet aux Cayes où les verres étaient vidés en l’honneur de
l’Empereur. Il se rendait à Port-Salut pour le meme scenario, où il
convoquait d’abord la population à laquelle il demandait de rester
fidèle au gouvernement. Cette convocation était suivie d’un grand
diner le 6 octobre. Comme il projettait de se rendre aux Coteaux,
Mecereau, le chef de l’insurrection, accompagné d’une centaine de ses
partisans lui tenait une embuscade à Garata le 7 Octobre. Moreau,
devenu prisonnier, était conduit d’abord à Taverny, leur quartier
général, d’où on l’emmenait ensuite au Camp Gérard.
Le 16 0ctobre 1806, Moreau était jugé par les chefs de l’insurrection
et condamné à la peine capitale malgré l’intervention de Borgella et
de Vaval en sa faveur avant d’abandonner la séance. A ce moment, des
soldats du corps des dragons des Cayes s’y arrivaient sous pretexte
de lui ramener en ville. Malheuresement, parvenus sur l’habitation
Permel, ils s’arrêtaient pour l’exécuter. Moreau, après avoir demandé
quelques minutes, juste le temps de griffonner quelques mots à sa
femme qu’il confia au capitaine Tuffet, donna lui-même l’ordre en
déclarant avec sang-froid aux soldats: “Allez mes amis,tirez
maintenant”. Il était criblé de balles et son cadavre laissé sur la
Moreau avait la sépulture grâce aux soins de Mme Veuve Geffrard qui
n’ignorait pas pourtant que le Général Moreau avait dénoncé son mari
à Dessalines.
Recherche: Vaniel Louis
Jean Jacques Herne _ dit Coco Herne _ était aussi connu sous le nom
de Moreau Herne. Fils de Jean Baptiste Herne et de Margueritte
Lafond, il naquit sur l’habitation Moreau du Département du Sud vers
l’année 1775. Cette habitation avoisine celles de Coustard et de la
Première Douceur, et se situe à quelques lieues de Lévy (Camp-
Il était un homme de couleur qui n’avait pour qualités que sa
bravoure et ses ambitions et s’enrégimentait dans l’armée de Rigaud.
A la chute de celui-ci _ ayant perdu la guerre du Sud _ il se
ralliait à Toussaint Louverture et devenait commandant du 1er
bataillon de la 13ème demi-brigade du Sud. Au retour de Geffrard dans
ce départment, il le plaçait sous son autorité. Ainsi, au cours d’une
des batailles qui opposait Férou et les français pour les chasser de
la ville des Cayes, Férou, en grande difficulté, était secondé par
Moreau qui arrivait à sa rescousse avec 200 hommes envoyés par
Geffrard _ c’est à cette même époque que Moreau battait les Polonais
qui gardaient l’entrée de la ville des Cayes alors qu’il commandait
une colonne de l’armée de Geffrard. Aussi, cette meme colonne,
assistée par Durocher, a été confiée la mission de vaincre une troupe
de l’armée française alors qu’elle laissait Jérémie et traversait
Morne Plymouth pour pénétrer dans la plaine des Cayes .
Moreau participait à la grande convocation du 6 juillet 1803 au Camp
Gérard, au cours de laquelle Dessalines était reconnu par le Sud
comme Général en Chef de l’Armée des Indigènes. Dessalines le faisait
Général de Brigade; c’était à ce grade qu’il a signé l’acte de
l’indépendance d’Haiti.
Il avait vite acquis la confiance de l’Empereur après avoir massacré
les français aux Cayes, contrairement à son chef hiérarchique,
Geffrard, qui ne partageait pas cette option. Nommé commandant de
l’arrondissement des Cayes par Dessalines _ avec pour mission
d’espionner Geffrard qu’il remplaçait à sa mort en devenant
commandant de la 1ère division du Sud _ Il n’était pas chéri par la
population qui adorait Geffrard. A la fin de Septembre 1806, la
rumeur du complot contre Dessalines battait son plein. Le Général
Moreau jouait la carte de l’apaisement. Il offrait le 2 Octobre 1806
un banquet aux Cayes où les verres étaient vidés en l’honneur de
l’Empereur. Il se rendait à Port-Salut pour le meme scenario, où il
convoquait d’abord la population à laquelle il demandait de rester
fidèle au gouvernement. Cette convocation était suivie d’un grand
diner le 6 octobre. Comme il projettait de se rendre aux Coteaux,
Mecereau, le chef de l’insurrection, accompagné d’une centaine de ses
partisans lui tenait une embuscade à Garata le 7 Octobre. Moreau,
devenu prisonnier, était conduit d’abord à Taverny, leur quartier
général, d’où on l’emmenait ensuite au Camp Gérard.
Le 16 0ctobre 1806, Moreau était jugé par les chefs de l’insurrection
et condamné à la peine capitale malgré l’intervention de Borgella et
de Vaval en sa faveur avant d’abandonner la séance. A ce moment, des
soldats du corps des dragons des Cayes s’y arrivaient sous pretexte
de lui ramener en ville. Malheuresement, parvenus sur l’habitation
Permel, ils s’arrêtaient pour l’exécuter. Moreau, après avoir demandé
quelques minutes, juste le temps de griffonner quelques mots à sa
femme qu’il confia au capitaine Tuffet, donna lui-même l’ordre en
déclarant avec sang-froid aux soldats: “Allez mes amis,tirez
maintenant”. Il était criblé de balles et son cadavre laissé sur la
Moreau avait la sépulture grâce aux soins de Mme Veuve Geffrard qui
n’ignorait pas pourtant que le Général Moreau avait dénoncé son mari
à Dessalines.
Recherche: Vaniel Louis
Monday, October 20, 2008
La Petite Histoire de la Ville des Cayes
On HAIMUSIQUE Sunday Talk Show (Oct. 19, 2008) Vaniel and I talked
about Gelee Beach as a recreational area and as an economic and
ecological resource for the city of Cayes and all its surrounding
The beauty of that beach, its particularities (fresh water flowing
around the beach, etc.) along with its struggles were analyzed, while
a comprehensive plan was suggested to resolve identified issues
in order to place that beach on-the-carte.
Among the issues identified include: security (lack of lifeguarding
and light), food preparedness and infrastructure conditions, the salt
marsh (in stage of dysfunction at both ends of the beach: behind the
marines precinct by the "la douane" and around Bourrie...), salubrity
(floatables and beach cleanliness condition), etc.
The creation of a municipal agency to reinforce local citizens'
efforts to improve the physical and ecological conditions of and
around the beach was proposed along with comprehensive cabinet and
community meetings/hearings to seeking for local assistance and
straightening communityhood in that region.
To listen to that show, visit us at www.aux-cayes. com and click on
Macceau Medozile
www.aux-cayes. com
about Gelee Beach as a recreational area and as an economic and
ecological resource for the city of Cayes and all its surrounding
The beauty of that beach, its particularities (fresh water flowing
around the beach, etc.) along with its struggles were analyzed, while
a comprehensive plan was suggested to resolve identified issues
in order to place that beach on-the-carte.
Among the issues identified include: security (lack of lifeguarding
and light), food preparedness and infrastructure conditions, the salt
marsh (in stage of dysfunction at both ends of the beach: behind the
marines precinct by the "la douane" and around Bourrie...), salubrity
(floatables and beach cleanliness condition), etc.
The creation of a municipal agency to reinforce local citizens'
efforts to improve the physical and ecological conditions of and
around the beach was proposed along with comprehensive cabinet and
community meetings/hearings to seeking for local assistance and
straightening communityhood in that region.
To listen to that show, visit us at www.aux-cayes. com and click on
Macceau Medozile
www.aux-cayes. com
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
PART II :: Immediate effects of climate changes on human population...
Vaniel Louis, (Dienane Cherie) and I have talked about immediate health effects of climate changes on human populations last Sunday on Haimusique (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer).
We reviewed some of the current environmental stresses that form the back drop for climate changes (potential) additional impacts on human populations. We identified ways that climate changes can either ameliorate or exacerbate some of the existing social and health issues faced by human populations (the Haitian population in particular) and talked about ways to deal with climate changes.
(Unfortunately), in the Haitian context, we had to talk about the old concept of "miasma" and identified corresponding-parameters and indicators through current stages of salubrity in urban Haitian populations; the direct correlation between salubrity and air pollution (among other) was analyzed.
Some health impacts associated with extreme weather events, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, extreme precipitations were also reviewed (death, respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, behavioral changes, hunger, etc.). During that Talk Show, we mentioned two different ways to deal with climate changes. The Do-Nothing comportment that will increase the likelihood for the Haitian population to suffer more from the (immediate) effects of climate changes and to be wired to dealing with periodic high death rates and social-economic catastrophes. The second attitude is to take sustainable actions _ as a society_ to manipulate those risk factors and reduce their potential outcome on the nation. Those actions entail a more comprehensive leading role of scholars and the Haitian University towards the identification of working-models capable of building resilience to current environmental stresses or lesser climate change impacts on the population, while enabling the Haitian Congress to make better legal decisions to protect, conserve and manage the nation's natural resources/areas; the PAE is an example.
Civic actions need to be developed/taken to engage young minds (and the old ones as well) into this new setting of behaviors and responsibilities, by encouraging community services (coastal and drain cleanups, waste management, reforestation, literacy/alphabetization, etc.), establishing public funding for environmental micro-projects, etc.
The last episode will be aired on Sunday, Sept. 28th on at 2PM (ET). We will focus on ways to develop public interest research groups, civic associations, and how to raise money or seek for funds.
Don't miss out!
M. Medozile
We reviewed some of the current environmental stresses that form the back drop for climate changes (potential) additional impacts on human populations. We identified ways that climate changes can either ameliorate or exacerbate some of the existing social and health issues faced by human populations (the Haitian population in particular) and talked about ways to deal with climate changes.
(Unfortunately), in the Haitian context, we had to talk about the old concept of "miasma" and identified corresponding-parameters and indicators through current stages of salubrity in urban Haitian populations; the direct correlation between salubrity and air pollution (among other) was analyzed.
Some health impacts associated with extreme weather events, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, extreme precipitations were also reviewed (death, respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, behavioral changes, hunger, etc.). During that Talk Show, we mentioned two different ways to deal with climate changes. The Do-Nothing comportment that will increase the likelihood for the Haitian population to suffer more from the (immediate) effects of climate changes and to be wired to dealing with periodic high death rates and social-economic catastrophes. The second attitude is to take sustainable actions _ as a society_ to manipulate those risk factors and reduce their potential outcome on the nation. Those actions entail a more comprehensive leading role of scholars and the Haitian University towards the identification of working-models capable of building resilience to current environmental stresses or lesser climate change impacts on the population, while enabling the Haitian Congress to make better legal decisions to protect, conserve and manage the nation's natural resources/areas; the PAE is an example.
Civic actions need to be developed/taken to engage young minds (and the old ones as well) into this new setting of behaviors and responsibilities, by encouraging community services (coastal and drain cleanups, waste management, reforestation, literacy/alphabetization, etc.), establishing public funding for environmental micro-projects, etc.
The last episode will be aired on Sunday, Sept. 28th on at 2PM (ET). We will focus on ways to develop public interest research groups, civic associations, and how to raise money or seek for funds.
Don't miss out!
M. Medozile
Monday, September 1, 2008
Part I : Immediate Effects of Climate Changes on Deforested Environment
Last Sunday, Vaniel, Christella Coeur-Aimable and I talked about current consequences of climate changes, particularly on deforested environment in Part I of our radio talk show on
One of the intelligent ways to comprehend the problematic of climate changes is by concurring that the earth is undergoing that phenomenon, by searching for the causes, identifying health effects associated with it (among others) and seeking ways to deal with it; while taking comprehensive and sustainable actions to minimize future outcomes on human and other ecological populations.
Pictures taken within the last 30 years illustrate a significant reduction of the polar ice cap, an increase of the globe's temperature (global warming)along with an average of the sea level. As a natural phenomenon, climate changes have recently been accelerated and its change in atmospheric compositions are widely thought to be due to human activities.
We (Vaniel, Kris and I) talked about the three major factors that influence the earth's climate more than all others combined: the sun, the atmosphere and the ocean. (Although we had some translation difficulties), we analyzed the contribution of the greenhouse gases towards the "global warming potential". Of course CO2 is identified as a "weak greenhouse gas" but the amount releases into the atmosphere through fossil fuel combustion (about 82% of all greenhouse gases) makes it one of the most "dangerous" enemy of the globe.
In the Haitian context, we analyzed the outcomes of deforestation towards the immediate effects of climate changes in that environment. The lost of "canopy cover" and "rhizomatous biomass" are directly correlated with an increase in "water velocity" (rivers, tributaries, chanels, etc.), in lost of cultivable soil, wildlife habitat, an increase of erosion, sedimentation, among others.
In Part II (next Sunday), we will focus on health impacts and ways to deal with climate changes.
Please note that broadcast is on the air at 2:00 PM (ET) every sunday on or
Macceau P. Médozile
One of the intelligent ways to comprehend the problematic of climate changes is by concurring that the earth is undergoing that phenomenon, by searching for the causes, identifying health effects associated with it (among others) and seeking ways to deal with it; while taking comprehensive and sustainable actions to minimize future outcomes on human and other ecological populations.
Pictures taken within the last 30 years illustrate a significant reduction of the polar ice cap, an increase of the globe's temperature (global warming)along with an average of the sea level. As a natural phenomenon, climate changes have recently been accelerated and its change in atmospheric compositions are widely thought to be due to human activities.
We (Vaniel, Kris and I) talked about the three major factors that influence the earth's climate more than all others combined: the sun, the atmosphere and the ocean. (Although we had some translation difficulties), we analyzed the contribution of the greenhouse gases towards the "global warming potential". Of course CO2 is identified as a "weak greenhouse gas" but the amount releases into the atmosphere through fossil fuel combustion (about 82% of all greenhouse gases) makes it one of the most "dangerous" enemy of the globe.
In the Haitian context, we analyzed the outcomes of deforestation towards the immediate effects of climate changes in that environment. The lost of "canopy cover" and "rhizomatous biomass" are directly correlated with an increase in "water velocity" (rivers, tributaries, chanels, etc.), in lost of cultivable soil, wildlife habitat, an increase of erosion, sedimentation, among others.
In Part II (next Sunday), we will focus on health impacts and ways to deal with climate changes.
Please note that broadcast is on the air at 2:00 PM (ET) every sunday on or
Macceau P. Médozile
Friday, August 29, 2008
Immediate Effects of Climate Changes on Deforested Environment
Stay Connected!
Vaniel Louis, Macceau Medozile [et al.] will be featured on "La Petite Histoire de la Ville des Cayes" this coming Sunday (@ 2:00 PM) to talk about "Wood-working, Carbon-making, forest resources management and the immediate effects of climate changes on deforested
environment [in the Caraibbean] on HAIMUSIQUE (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer).
They will also talk about tropical depression, the cyclonic period and urban safety.
Don't miss out!
HAIMUSIQUE, a community initiative for education and entertaiment... music to listen on the job and at home.
M. Peguy Medozile
MRTG, New York, NY)
Vaniel Louis, Macceau Medozile [et al.] will be featured on "La Petite Histoire de la Ville des Cayes" this coming Sunday (@ 2:00 PM) to talk about "Wood-working, Carbon-making, forest resources management and the immediate effects of climate changes on deforested
environment [in the Caraibbean] on HAIMUSIQUE (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer).
They will also talk about tropical depression, the cyclonic period and urban safety.
Don't miss out!
HAIMUSIQUE, a community initiative for education and entertaiment... music to listen on the job and at home.
M. Peguy Medozile
MRTG, New York, NY)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Rebuilding Southern Haiti's Economy...
Sugar-cane plantations along with livestocking have strengthened Hispagnola’s economy and served as a strategic pylon upon which French’s colonialism in the island has settled. In the Mid 1900’s, those two economic-driven-forces have created a new middle-class “population” in Southern and Western Haiti (with limited education) when “Centrale Dessalines, IDAI, FACOLEF, Daborne, etc.” came into existence. A gradual accumulation of wealth and the improvement of the region’s (Southern Haiti) well-being were observed by local citizens, the Haitian government and overseas’ commercial partners. However, despite the creation of a local “Union”, certain economic and social needs _ such as life insurance, retirement plans, disabilities/compensations, among others (for those who worked in those factories)_ have never been addressed comprehensively. Additionally, the region’ school or education system did not benefit from that short-breathed-explosive-economy.
From 1985 to 1990, the factories/industries have collapsed and the region has felt into an economic-state-of-shock, followed by the workforce dispersal, plantations’ abandonment, etc. About 10 years later, agricultural lands were tuned into construction lots, farmers became “traders” (machann pèpè, kola, liv, bolèt), machineries turned into industrial wastes, factories (facilities) into drugs and crime’s cribs and the “middle-class” into self-employed, unemployed and/or poor retirees.
What were the fundamental causes related to that collapse? What are the measurable social and economic indicators of that collapse? After such a long time, can the region overcome this economic distress? What would it take to rebuild those factories? Would it be a sustainable approach? What are the potential economic stimuli that can be used to reflate the economy?
HAIMUSIQUE and MRTG would welcome your comments and analyses vis-à-vis the above issue. They can be reached at 646-462-1339 or or just reply to this message.
Thanks for your contributions!
Macceau Médozile
From 1985 to 1990, the factories/industries have collapsed and the region has felt into an economic-state-of-shock, followed by the workforce dispersal, plantations’ abandonment, etc. About 10 years later, agricultural lands were tuned into construction lots, farmers became “traders” (machann pèpè, kola, liv, bolèt), machineries turned into industrial wastes, factories (facilities) into drugs and crime’s cribs and the “middle-class” into self-employed, unemployed and/or poor retirees.
What were the fundamental causes related to that collapse? What are the measurable social and economic indicators of that collapse? After such a long time, can the region overcome this economic distress? What would it take to rebuild those factories? Would it be a sustainable approach? What are the potential economic stimuli that can be used to reflate the economy?
HAIMUSIQUE and MRTG would welcome your comments and analyses vis-à-vis the above issue. They can be reached at 646-462-1339 or or just reply to this message.
Thanks for your contributions!
Macceau Médozile
Thursday, July 31, 2008
HAIMUSIQUE (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer) est en train de préparerune emission documentaire sur l'economie de la région du Sud Ante-Dante FACOLEF, IDAI et "La Beurrie du Sud". Si vous connaissezl'histoire economique et sociale de la région du Sud ou si vouspouvez commenter sur les consequences socio-economiques liees à ladestruction de ces industries, si'l vous plait, veuillez nouscontacter au 1-646-462-1339 de 9-11 PM (ET. du Lundi au Vendredi)pour une entrevue. Vous pouvez aussi nous envoyer des courrierselectroniques à Merci pour votre collaboration!
HAIMUSIQUE (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer)is working on a pre/postFACOLEF, IDAI and the butter factory of les Cayes' socio-economicstatus documentary. If you know the history of that region (asrelated to those factories) or if you're willing to comment on theend-results of those factories' "distruction", please contact us at1-646-462-1339 between the hours of 9 to 11 PM (ET. Monday throughFriday) or email us at . Thanks for your participation.
Macceau Péguy Medozile
HAIMUSIQUE (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer) est en train de préparerune emission documentaire sur l'economie de la région du Sud Ante-Dante FACOLEF, IDAI et "La Beurrie du Sud". Si vous connaissezl'histoire economique et sociale de la région du Sud ou si vouspouvez commenter sur les consequences socio-economiques liees à ladestruction de ces industries, si'l vous plait, veuillez nouscontacter au 1-646-462-1339 de 9-11 PM (ET. du Lundi au Vendredi)pour une entrevue. Vous pouvez aussi nous envoyer des courrierselectroniques à Merci pour votre collaboration!
HAIMUSIQUE (la radio cayenne d'outre-mer)is working on a pre/postFACOLEF, IDAI and the butter factory of les Cayes' socio-economicstatus documentary. If you know the history of that region (asrelated to those factories) or if you're willing to comment on theend-results of those factories' "distruction", please contact us at1-646-462-1339 between the hours of 9 to 11 PM (ET. Monday throughFriday) or email us at . Thanks for your participation.
Macceau Péguy Medozile
Saturday, July 19, 2008
HAIMUSIQUE, la radio cayenne d'outre-mer est une institution non-lucrative ayant pour but d'eduquer et d'epanouir tous les Haitiens en generale et les Cayens en particulier. Ce medium est une division du The Medozile Network.
Pour capter nos emissions, cliquez sur l'un des liens suovants:
HAIMUSIQUE, la radio cayenne d'outre-mer est une institution non-lucrative ayant pour but d'eduquer et d'epanouir tous les Haitiens en generale et les Cayens en particulier. Ce medium est une division du The Medozile Network.
Pour capter nos emissions, cliquez sur l'un des liens suovants:
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