Thursday, November 27, 2008

HIV incidence and prevalence rates in haiti...

This coming Sunday (and on December 1st), HAIMUSIQUE will air a special
broadcast on Haiti's HIV/AIDS incidence and prevalence (infection) rate
during the past 20 years. This edition will focus on the stuggles and
perspectives statistically related to a significant reduction of the
the incidence rate of HIV infection in both rural and urban areas in

Be on stand by at 2 PM (ET) this Sunday by clicking on www.aux- or



Sunday, November 9, 2008

About the collapse of La Promesse Evangelique (my ass!)

This is one of the saddest news that I have heard about Haiti for a long time. I am extending my deep condolences to the parents of those kids who horrifically lost their lives because of our selfishness and greediness. Early this year, I responded to a message on haitianpolitics regarding double citizenship and leadership in Haiti and I was severely criticized for saying that we have a lack of leadership in Haiti....

We need a leader that can restore (or develop) government's authority and responsibility towards the nation. I have read so many home-published articles about improvised constructions on the hills of Port-au-Prince and Le Nouvelliste event talked about the physical (geological and ecological) inability of certain newly constructed areas to holding the increase of the biomass they are bearing, but the government (the president's cabinet and the Parliament) has never taken any comprehensive and straightforward measures to STOP those f.... constructions from increasing on the hills and dismantled the hazardous ones.

Although the circumstances surrounding that fatal accident seem to be engineering-related, but let this be the "turning point" .........

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Macceau Medozile